Nohoda App

by NEU Digital Media



Nohoda app, free caller identification system and detection or identification of spam calls from unwanted numbers or numbers reported as dangerous by our community in Ecuador.We have more than 20,000 numbers in several countries previously reported, validated and confirmed as invalid, dangerous or unwanted numbers.Our application allows the community to send or report new numbers. Our machine learning systems record numbers reported by the community preventing real numbers from being blocked from the rest of the community.Nohoda app, is a completely anonymous application, therefore it does not store data or information of any kind of the user, maintaining their privacy at all times.If you do not want our application to block the numbers from our system, simply select an option, and calls from all numbers will be allowed, but an identification will be displayed at the time of a call.Download it, activate your preferred option and say goodbye to those annoying unwanted calls.